Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientíficasInstituto de Historia. CSICFundación Española de Historia Moderna Con sede en: Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, CSIC
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(2023, Diciembre) Otras instituciones
1.2 Congresos y jornadas abiertas

Invitation - Call for Applications / Forums on Cultural Diplomacy, Democracy & Peace (Washington D.C., London, Berlin 2024)

Invitation - Call for Applications / Forums on Cultural Diplomacy, Democracy & Peace (Washington D.C., London, Berlin 2024)
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Invitation - Call for Applications

Forums on Cultural Diplomacy, Democracy & Peace

(Washington D.C., London, Berlin 2024)

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Forum on Democracy & Peace »

"Growing Threats for Democracy Around the World"

(Berlin; February 21st - 24th, 2024) - Held Parallel to the Berlin Film Festival


The World Forum on Democracy & Peace 2024 will take place in Berlin from February 21st - 24th, 2024 and will focus on the current threats to democracies worldwide.

For decades, all forms of the arts have served as powerful, effective vehicles to inspire and enable people to build diplomatic, cultural and economic bridges and come together towards prosperous peaceful relations. Over the course of many years, people have discovered the unique potential of the arts and in particular cinema, music, painting, sculpture and performing arts to transcend cultures, serving as common languages to bring together different groups and communities in order to promote democracy, justice and human rights. The power of film & arts to build peace will be discussed during the conference and the immense transformative value that the arts hold as vehicles of Cultural Diplomacy to promote democracy and human rights will be examined.

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UK Forum on Cultural Diplomacy »

"From Ending Conflicts via Copping Migration to Restoring Growth: Advanced Cultural Diplomacy Methods"

(London; February 27th - 29th, 2024)


The UK Forum on Democracy & Peace will take place in London and will present successful cultural diplomacy practices that can be applied to remedy and ease growing global challenges. The forum will include keynote addresses, lectures, interactive panel discussions and debates in order to explore new methods of advanced cultural diplomacy for engagement.

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US Forum on Cultural Diplomacy »

"The Importance of Cultural Diplomacy in Turbulent Times"

(Washington D.C.; March 14th - 16th, 2024)


The US Forum on Democracy & Peace will take place in Washington D.C and will present successful cultural diplomacy practices that can be applied to remedy and ease growing global challenges. The forum will include keynote addresses, lectures, interactive panel discussions and debates in order to explore new methods of advanced cultural diplomacy for engagement.

The forum will also develop new initiatives, which will promote democracy, strengthen international relations and encourage cooperation between diverse communities based upon values of peace, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.

Registration »

ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy

Address: ICD Academy House of Arts & Culture
Soltauer Str. 18-22, 13509 Berlin, Germany
Tel.: 0049 (0) 30 2360 7680 Fax: 0049 (0) 30 2360 76811
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información recibida el 01/12/2023

formato actualizado 10/10/2014


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