Estimados/as colegas,
Les recordamos que el próximo 18 de noviembre (9:00
- 18:45 CET) se celebrará el seminario "Who has eaten
the planet? The paths of food systems beyond the safe and
just operating space (1850-2020)" en la Sala
Menéndez Pidal 0E18 del CCHS. Contaremos con la
participación de expertos nacionales e internacionales en 4
sesiones a lo largo del día (programa adjunto).
La fecha límite para inscribirse es el jueves 7 de
noviembre a través
del siguiente formulario.
El equipo del proyecto ERC StG WHEP
Dear colleagues,
We would like to remind you that on November 18th
(9:00 AM - 6:45 PM CET), the seminar "Who has eaten the
planet? The paths of food systems beyond the safe and just
operating space (1850-2020)" will take place in Sala
Menéndez Pidal 0E18 at CCHS. We will have 4 sessions
throughout the day, presented by experts from national and
international universities and research centers (see
attached program).
The deadline to register is Thursday, November 7, through the
following form.
The ERC StG WHEP Project Team